
So why hire a Star Risk outsourced safety and risk manager?

Reduced Costs:  An outsourced, expert safety and risk manager can be hired for a fraction of the cost of a full time employee.  There are no health benefits owed, no long term commitments, we only provide expert safety and risk management services that save you money.

Efficient use of Services:  Many safety and risk managers are busy at renewals, during safety audits or at program inception, but have many periods of down time where salaries still must be paid.   Star Risk consultants know what your company needs and will provide only value added services when you need them.

Professional Risk Managers:  Star Risk consultants are certified and licensed professionals.   We talk and breathe insurance, safety, and risk management all day, every day.  Our experience with thousands of different companies and programs will maximize results for you.

Maximize Resources:  Many companies don’t have the resources to hire a full time safety and risk manager.  Star Risk provides expert consultants for all clients from every industry, tailoring services to meet your needs in a cost effective manner.

Independence:  Many risk managers work only with their insurance brokers who are often compensated by the premium you pay.  Most  of these brokers have relationships with a few insurers limiting options that can be obtained.  Star Risk safety and risk managers work with representatives in brokerage firms, insurers, and all throughout the insurance industry to obtain the best results for you and only you. Our interests are completely aligned with yours.

Let Star Risk show you how you can immediately save 20% or more on your insurance premiums while improving your risk and safety programs!