Claims management

Star Risk consultants will be there to assist you with the handling of claims when a loss occurs.

Buyers of insurance are often placed at a disadvantage when working with insurance companies as losses often create a conflict of interest between parties. In fact, when a large property and business income loss occurs, insurers will often hire their own forensic accountants who work along side their adjusters, creating an un-level playing field for the insured. Star Risk works only on your behalf and will bring our knowledge, experience and insurance expertise to assist you in the claims review and insurance claims handling process.

content-02Other more frequent claims including workers compensation, automobile and general liability/products claims are handled by insurance or third party administrator (TPA) adjusters who commonly manage several hundred files at a time. How hands on and effective can they be for you? Their ineffectiveness can cost you money in payments made through deductibles and self insured retentions and ultimately in your insurance premiums paid. Time and time again we have found that by following up on claims consistently and intelligently, we obtain better results for our clients. Star Risk will be your advocate and our expert consultants will direct insurance companies, TPA’s and other insurance vendors to maximize results and save you money. Our professional claims handling review and oversight will have a significant impact on your out of pocket expenditures and will result in long term lower premiums and total cost of risk.

We review, submit, negotiate and handle claims across every line of coverage. Let us join your claims handling team so we can work together to protect your interests and save you money. foreclosure defense lawyers can help free fee