Insurance Services

Considering the amount of money you pay for insurance and your firm’s potential risk for loss, Star Risk is the best investment you can make in your business!  We save clients on average over 20% on their insurance costs while ensuring all personal and company assets are protected.

Star Risk will obtain immediate savings by managing your insurance program. Insurance is all negotiable and premiums vary greatly from insurer to insurer, from region to region, and from broker to broker. What makes Star Risk unique is that we are not bound to any one insurer, region, or relationship.  We are completely independent and obtain the best pricing and coverage terms for our clients using our proprietary model which considers your industry, size, loss history, and specifics of your operations.  Every client of Star Risk’s receives the same expert service and consideration.  We work hand in hand with your team and will act as your full time outsourced risk manager. We can also work with your current broker or risk manager to obtain the very best results for you if preferred.

We have the knowledge, expertise, experience, and industry contacts throughout the country providing us access to thousands of insurers.  We do not receive any commissions from your insurance purchases, we receive no contingency fees from insurers for the amount of business that is placed with them, and we have absolutely no conflicts of interest. Contact Star Risk and we will put our vast amount of experience and intellectual capital to work for you!